
Maintaining and developing a garden can be incredibly challenging. Take away the stress with Pen And Trowel Gardening.

Ben Probert is a skilled gardener based near Lydford in Devon. He has over 20 years of professional horticultural experience, and is a respected plantsman with a wide range of interests.

Leucanthemum ‘Summer Ruffles’ enjoying the rain

Plants are crucial in the garden; get the right plants and your garden will stand out, but choose the wrong plants and it can prove to be an expensive mistake.

Having a knowledgeable gardener means that you’re ready for anything nature throws at you. Successful gardening is about understanding the challenges of a garden, as well as the opportunities.

Cold weather is just part of the gardening year

In addition to his gardening and writing work, Ben serves on Plant Trial Forums for the prestigious ‘Award of Garden Merit’ (AGM), assessing plants for their suitability for British gardens. He is also proud to be a member of the Cornwall Professional Gardeners Group and a branch committee member for the Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group, affiliated with the RHS.

The trial of Bistorta, Koenigia and Persicaria at RHS Wisley in autumn 2021

Click here to read more about Ben and his work, or here to contact him.